In order for you to more fully understand and appreciate
each post, we have presented this page on Significant Numbers. Just as the first set of luchot were shattered in Parashah Ki Thisa, and a new set needed, our mathematic analogies and geometric models are new, beginning with this Parashah. In the meantime, you've no doubt read the more significant posts on the Sapphire Magen David blog,
and started to see the patterns in the linguistic structure, and patterns in the characteristics of various events and other minutiae of Torah, that correspond to the Explicit Name. The same is likely true if you've been following this blog, up to and including Ki Thisa. In order for you to keep up with our change in methodology, we've listed some of the Significant
Numbers (below). Familiarize yourself with these numbers, and future posts will be easier to understand.
Numbers are a part of our universe. They are used to
mathematically quantify things. It is said that if you can prove things mathematically, it is the ultimate proof. Numbers are the code
that underlies everything in the entire universe, from the smallest of particles (matter being made up of a very specific number of particles) to the vastness of space.
Numbers are all around us. They take the form of measurements we use in our everyday life, but they also measure the infinite nature of the universe. Every particle and every wave has a specific size, weight, mass or frequency. Each is measurable and expressed by numbers. Without numbers we could not connect with our surroundings. Where do numbers come from?
The answer to that mystery is found in the cosmic blueprint itself. This blueprint literally defines these numbers, including the base 10 number system, and everything in the universe is measured in terms of this system. Moreover, what was designed is perpetually being
created. The cosmic blueprint has very specific dimensions and geometric characteristics that define what was created, and what is still being created, which is the reality in which we live. See the
Essential Construct 8 Dimensions on the
Sapphire Magen David blog to see some of the brilliance and inner workings of
this cosmic blueprint. From the blueprint flow 22
(primary) letters (as is known) and each letter has a numeric value.
The endless combination and permutation of numbers can cause one to go insane (as will God
willing, be discussed in a future post). How do we keep our sanity and make sense of it all? Numbers! They provide us with proof. Numbers are what stabilize our reality. Are sequences of numbers in nature, or in Torah, just random, chaotic coincidences? To the Architect of All, Who has the
vision to See All things as they really are, such questions would be superfluous. Everything is exacting in the most minute detail. Each number, or infinite set of numbers, measuring, judging, weighing, are precise, appropriately designated, and exactly where and what they should be. We do not possess a Divine State of consciousness that would allow us to see these things,
and so nature appears to be random, coincidental, and sometimes completely chaotic. In
order to make some sense of it all (to see beyond what appears to be random) we start by studying the cosmic blueprint
itself, the blueprint from which all numbers in nature and various measurements are derived. We live in an age
where the cosmic blueprint's designs and inner workings are being revealed, along with the mystery of why things are, as they are, in the universe. The physics of this blueprint, are only now being (re)discovered.
The cosmic blueprint was made available to Man by translation into its present form as the Written Torah. Moshe, who brought down the
luchot in their Divine essence, was also commanded to write, with ink and
parchment, the letters we now have, letters that are essentially a one-dimensional series of elements reflecting the nature of the original blueprint. Through the order of these letters and resulting words, their sequence, the numbers associated with each letter and each word, as well as the number of times they are used in a given segment of text, we are able to obtain a glimpse of the inner workings of this cosmic blueprint. Since the
Torah is a function of the "measure" in the geometry of the cosmic blueprint, by logical inference we know that everything in
our universe is a function of the same dynamic. Keep in mind that just
as the original combined cubic form of the luchot (the physical embodiment of the cosmic blueprint) was divided in
2, (two halves being a fundamental aspect of the
blueprint) so too, the Torah is divided into 2 parts:
the Written Torah and the Oral Law. Each is an integral part of the whole. That is why "the tradition" comes to fill gaps in its
Written counterpart. The mathematic and geometric nature is no less important than the words themselves. Only with
both of "halves" together can we see the full picture, and so we delve into both. Since there is a mathematic and geometric regularity to the text, it can be perceived at various levels in various ways, and additional information can be unlocked by what appears to be a code (such as equidistant letter skips). Unlocking
the mystery of this 'code' (understanding why everything is the
way it is) starts with the numeric structure, or base elements of the matrix that creates the letters.
The numbers and their meaning below are provided to help you see and understand their significance. These numbers generally mean the same thing throughout
the blueprint, although context may expand their significance in any given case. They always have additional meaning. However, if you contemplate and understand the most basic level, then you'll begin to understand successively higher levels, and have already started on the path of enlightenment. The numbers we will be discussing may appear to be random or coincidental, but readers of this blog know, by now, that nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, we say nothing is a coincidence. Some numbers, sets of numbers and ratios are so unique, so special, and so remarkable, that they are obviously more than mere chance. Far too many of them appear repeatedly in
the exact same sequences, proportions, and arrays, and it is impossible to
relegate this to coincidence. It would be absurd to think they were random. If it's not random, then the question becomes, “what do they mean? Why
do these specific numbers, sets of numbers, ratios and patterns keep appearing, over and over again, as they do?” More detailed answers/examples will be provided
below. Each mathematic pattern in the Written Torah appears this way because it is a function of the
inner workings of the cosmic blueprint. The numbers, geometry, the basic mathematics,
all conform to the nature of the cosmic blueprint and its physical properties, and so the result is that
everything that takes shape in the universe is also a function of these properties.
Please take the time to understand each of the constructs examined below. Once the numbers and their significance are properly understood, the posts themselves will also be more easily understood. Moreover, when you familiarize yourself with these properties, you will
begin to discover on your own, some of the secrets and inner workings of this blueprint. As stated previously (starting with the post on Ki
Thisa) this Significant Numbers post will be considered required reading. Without this information, you
will not be able to understand the various posts (as this information will not be repeated). It would make each post overly long (and redundant). This is like the “first light” which
was given as a free gift so that we could see how everything fits, but then later taken away, and it is up to the reader to restore this knowledge and understanding, to create a “second light” (by struggle) that lasts. The balance of the posts on this blog are the same. Starting
with Ki Thisa, you will have to make the extra effort to know the terms and remember their meanings, the numbers and their significance. With effort, this knowledge will stay
with you, and you will be able to see how 'bright the light' appears in the design of
the cosmic blueprint. It is ultimately a window into another reality, but one that allows us to more fully appreciate the Architect behind the scenes.
Before we define certain numbers and groups of numbers, we must explain the combined cubic form of the luchot in terms of ccSpace. As seen on the 8 Dimensions on the Sapphire Magen David blog, ccSpace is a term we use to refer to the measure of the “cubit-cubed” (the volume within the combined cubic form of the luchot). That volume is defined by 216 cubic handbreadths that equate to the 216 letters of God’s Explicit Name. Below are more specific terms for each segment of this space, and their definition. Understand them well. From the post on Ki Thisa forward, we will be referring to these terms and their variations that correspond with the dynamics of ccSpace.
Before we define certain numbers and groups of numbers, we must explain the combined cubic form of the luchot in terms of ccSpace. As seen on the 8 Dimensions on the Sapphire Magen David blog, ccSpace is a term we use to refer to the measure of the “cubit-cubed” (the volume within the combined cubic form of the luchot). That volume is defined by 216 cubic handbreadths that equate to the 216 letters of God’s Explicit Name. Below are more specific terms for each segment of this space, and their definition. Understand them well. From the post on Ki Thisa forward, we will be referring to these terms and their variations that correspond with the dynamics of ccSpace.
Terms of ccSpace
ccSpace216 – the combined cubic form (cubit-cubed) of the luchot as one "block" (brick) defined by its three dimensions (6 x 6 x 6 cubic handbreadths) having a total volumetric measure of 216 cubic handbreadths.
2cSpace108 – The luchot divided in half in the first dimension into their male-female counterparts (2) in order to sustain a universe in like form. Each half has 108 elements.
2cSpace108 – The luchot divided in half in the first dimension into their male-female counterparts (2) in order to sustain a universe in like form. Each half has 108 elements.
4cSpace54 – The luchot divided in the first and second dimension has 4 quadrants (with 54 elements) that
correspond to the 4 letters of Ekeyeh (shown below).
8cSpace27 – The luchot divided in all three dimensions results in 8 quadrants with 27 elements in each quadrant. The number and position of the quadrants relative to one another can be expressed as 4 opposite 4
quadrants, like the 4 letters of the
Tetragrammaton opposite the 4 letters of the
Havayah of Adnoot. When each of the 4 "pairs" are married together, they become, geometrically and mathematically "4cSpace54" (the "space" previously mentioned and the model shown above).
Each quadrant in the above model is actually 1cSpace27 quadrant or segment of (and within) 8cSpace27, and can be added to one or more additional quadrants. Thus, the various segments can be combined to form:
Keep in mind that all of these "elements" correspond to specific letters in the Explicit Name.
Any given quadrant (of the 8 shown above) that is found within the total "space" defined by the 216 letters, can be re-defined according to the properties of its parent. Examples follow:
1cSpace27 (27 elements)
2cSpace27 (54 elements)
3cSpace27 (81 elements)
4cSpace27 (108 elements)
5cSpace27 (135 elements)
6cSpace27 (162 elements)
7cSpace27 (189 elements)
8cSpace27 (216 elements)
Any given quadrant (of the 8 shown above) that is found within the total "space" defined by the 216 letters, can be re-defined according to the properties of its parent. Examples follow:
ccsubSpace216 – As seen above, 1cSpace27 is 1 quadrant (1/8th) of ccSpace216, "measures" 3
by 3 by 3, and has 27 elements (corresponding to 27 of the 216 letters). However, when each of these quadrants (or mini-matrix) is divided like the parent matrix (re-defined in terms of 216 elements) it too contains 216 elements. Since there are 8 quadrants, each is the mirror image of the parent. When each quadrant of 8cSpace27 (with 27 elements) is further subdivided mirroring its parent matrix, each mini-matrix has 216 elements. This new division within ccSpace216, creates "subsets" that are multiples of the original 216 elements in the parent matrix, and so we refer to these as a multiple of ccsubSpace216 (examples below) when each mini-matrix is further subdivided into 216 elements. These combinations can become significant:
The model below depicts 2csubSpace216 in relation to the parent matrices of 8cSpace27. When each parent matrix is further subdivided in like form, each quadrant of 8cSpace27 contains 216 elements (6 x 6 x 6), mirroring the overall dimensions of ccSpace216 (seen in the bottom center quadrant). The top left most quadrant is an example of a parent matrix (3 by 3 by 3 = 27 elements). The top center front quadrant is an example of a parent matrix subdivided further into a mini-matrix of 216 elements. It is colored differently so that you can make out the 8 (sub)elements that make up 1 original element of the parent matrix. There are 27 of these (though in this 2D diagram only 19 are visible). Thus with each of the 27 elements of the parent matrix subdivided by 8, there are a total of (27 x 8 = ) 216 elements in a mini-matrix. All 8 parent matrices can be subdivided this way, and the model below shows only 2 of the 8 quadrants subdivided.
This is the fractal dimension in the cube of creation; when you zoom in, 1 quadrant contains 216 elements (1csubSpace216), and when you zoom out, all 8 quadrants total 216 elements (ccSpace216). The model below depicts all 8 quadrants of 8cSpace27, subdivided into the mini-matrices with 216 elements each. Thus there are a total of (8 x 216 = ) 1728 total elements in 8csubSpace216 contained within the larger dimensions of ccSpace216.
The fact is, that any given "segment" of this space has particular significance, either in terms of various patterns in the linguistic structure of Torah, at various levels like the letters, words sentences (etc) as well as biology, the physics of time and space, quantum mechanics, celestial dynamics and so on.
- 1 quadrant having 216 elements equals 1 x 216 or 216 elements (1csubSpace216)
- 2 quadrants having 216 elements equals 2 x 216 or 432 elements (2csubSpace216)
- 3 quadrants having 216 elements equals 3 x 216 or 648 elements (3csubSpace216)
- 4 quadrants having 216 elements equals 4 x 216 or 864 elements (4csubSpace216)
- 5 quadrants having 216 elements equals 5 x 216 or 1080 elements (5csubSpace216)
- 6 quadrants having 216 elements equals 6 x 216 or 1296 elements (6csubSpace216)
- 7 quadrants having 216 elements equals 7 x 216 or 1512 elements (7csubSpace216)
- 8 quadrants having 216 elements equals 8 x 216 or 1728 elements (8csubSpace216)
The model below depicts 2csubSpace216 in relation to the parent matrices of 8cSpace27. When each parent matrix is further subdivided in like form, each quadrant of 8cSpace27 contains 216 elements (6 x 6 x 6), mirroring the overall dimensions of ccSpace216 (seen in the bottom center quadrant). The top left most quadrant is an example of a parent matrix (3 by 3 by 3 = 27 elements). The top center front quadrant is an example of a parent matrix subdivided further into a mini-matrix of 216 elements. It is colored differently so that you can make out the 8 (sub)elements that make up 1 original element of the parent matrix. There are 27 of these (though in this 2D diagram only 19 are visible). Thus with each of the 27 elements of the parent matrix subdivided by 8, there are a total of (27 x 8 = ) 216 elements in a mini-matrix. All 8 parent matrices can be subdivided this way, and the model below shows only 2 of the 8 quadrants subdivided.
This is the fractal dimension in the cube of creation; when you zoom in, 1 quadrant contains 216 elements (1csubSpace216), and when you zoom out, all 8 quadrants total 216 elements (ccSpace216). The model below depicts all 8 quadrants of 8cSpace27, subdivided into the mini-matrices with 216 elements each. Thus there are a total of (8 x 216 = ) 1728 total elements in 8csubSpace216 contained within the larger dimensions of ccSpace216.
The fact is, that any given "segment" of this space has particular significance, either in terms of various patterns in the linguistic structure of Torah, at various levels like the letters, words sentences (etc) as well as biology, the physics of time and space, quantum mechanics, celestial dynamics and so on.
Some other segments might include or be expressed as:
6cSpace36 – The cube of creation has
dimensions of 6 x 6
x 6 cubic handbreadths. When the width’s
dimensions are separated into its individual elements, the resulting dimensions
are 6 x 6 x 1 (layer/dimension of the cube) or 36. There are 6 of these layers within any given dimension of the cube of ccSpace216.
Thus it takes 6 of these 6 x 6 layers/dimensions to complete the dimensions of the cube of creation: (6 x
6 = ) 36 x 6 = 216 cubic
handbreadths. One layer is shown in the model below.
(6 x 6 = ) 36 x 6 = 216 Cubic Handbreadths
In this model, you can see 6 x 6 or 36 elements in one layer of one dimension of ccSpace216, However, there are 6 such layers in each of three dimensions. Since there are three dimensions, and 6 in any given dimension, there are a total of 6 + 6 + 6 or 18 such permuted layers (of 36 elements) in 6cSpace36. Three of the 18 possible (6 x 6) layers are shown below (one in each of three dimensions).
Index of Significant Numbers
216 – The number of letters
in God’s Explicit Name, and the number of handbreadths in the combined cubic
form of the luchot. This number or any of its factors, divisors or multiplicatives, that combined in such a way that the composite equals the number of letters in the Name, is the Signature of the Architect. Sometimes the Signature is found in disparate parts and separate places, but within the same context. Other times the parts are found together in a single segment. The number 216 consists of 3 integers in three 'places' (ones, tens and hundreds). This one-dimensional numeric string also hints to 2 + 1 + 6 = 9, and 2 + 6 = 8, x 1 = 8. The various combinations of these numbers allude to the multidimensional aspects of the Name. In two dimensions, for example (after permutation as is known) it consists of triplets, and specifically (and properly) written as 9 triplets on 8 lines (216
total) to correspond with the attributes of the Royal Seal (three-dimensional magen david with 9 triangular corners on 8 faces). The one-dimensional numeric string of 216 also alludes to a two dimensional construct that takes the form of 21 x 6 = 126
(which happens to be a numeric permutation of 216). This particular permutation is a one-dimensional numeric string that alludes to the divided, or side-by-side state of the luchot, that were together: 12 x 6 = 72 (handbreadths) or a third of 216 (see the number 72
below). It is also 1 + 26 = 27, or the number of elements in 1 quadrant in ccSpace216 (that as mentioned above can be expressed as 1cSpace27). Moreover, 1
x 26 = 26, the gematria of the Tetragrammaton which is 1 of the primary abbreviations of the Name (see below) and specifically a mathematic and geometric segment of ccSpace216. How deep does this rabbit-hole go? Did you notice that this 1 primary abbreviation of the Name has a gematria
of 26, and that these numbers together are another two-dimensional permutation of the total number of letters in the Name: 216. This is what we mean by the Signature of the Architect. The 3 'places' of 216 (ones, tens, and hundreds position) allude to the 3 primary abbreviations of the
Name, and so 1 of the abbreviations (Ekeyeh) that when divided into its 2 primordial halves (male/female) which are the Tetragrammaton and Havayah of
Adnoot as is known, reflects the nature of ccSpace216, where the (2 + 6
=) 8 quadrants of ccSpace216. The division of the luchot followed the division of the abbreviations of the Name, and so the 1 block (combined cubic form of the luchot) that had external dimensions of 6 handbreadths, was divided in 2. The specific integers in the number of letters of the Explicit Name are 2, 1,
and 6, or 216.
1 – One
of course corresponds to the ultimate One, which
is God and also His 1 cosmic
blueprint, the 1 cube of creation, but the 1 Signature of the Architect contains 216 letters. Thus 1 is at the center of it all, and the middle number of 3 integers: 216. It also alludes to the 1
primary abbreviation that is formed from the other 2 abbreviations. That is, the 2 (abbreviations) when combined (as in the unification) become the 1 (Ekeyeh) that defines the measure of the cube of creation (where each dimension is 6 handbreadths).
2 – There are of course 2 luchot. The division of Ekeyeh (a primary
abbreviation of the Name) into its male and female counterparts, results in the 2 primary abbreviations of the Name (the Tetragrammaton and the Havayah of Adnoot) that ultimately results in the division of the cube of creation, or the
Sapphire Block, that conforms to the "law" established by the letters of the Name(s) (that were divided for the sake of creation). This resulted in the primary division of everything, into a series of polar
opposites (2) so that the universe could be sustained in like form. Thus all couples, like male/female, righteous/wickedness, the Royal Seal (which is made up of 2 polar opposites) and all dualities,
stem from the primary division of the luchot into 2, that stem from the division of the letters of the Name into 2. This is seen also in the Written Torah and the Oral Law (2). God’s Explicit Name with 216
letters, when divided in 2 has 108 letters (see below). This one-dimensional numeric
string is 5 x 2 and 4 x 2 (see also the the 4s and 5s below). The Written Torah starts with a Bet (ב) which is gematria 2, and in
the Oral Law, every Tractate of the Babylonian Talmud starts on folio Bet
(ב); page 2. The numeric string 216, starts with a 2.
2 and 2, or two 2s – There
were 2 sets of 2
luchot, and so 2 and 2
or two 2s corresponds to both sets of luchot. It also corresponds to the
number of quadrants in the luchot when they are divided in the second dimension: 2 +
2 = 4, which
corresponds to the 4 letters of the primary
abbreviation Ekeyeh (see the 8 Dimensions on
the Sapphire Magen David blog).
3 twos
– 3 twos is 3 x 2 = 6, and is a 1
dimensional reflection of the dimensions of the combined cubic form of the
luchot: 3 twos
or 2 + 2 + 2 = 6, the measure of any given dimension within the combined cubic form of the luchot. In 1cSpace27, the 27 elements themselves divide into 18 twos (x 6 in the third dimension), and like fractals, when
you zoom into this mini-matrix, the same reflections appear. For 3 twos is also the 1
dimensional reflection of the 216 elements in 1
quadrant of ccSpace216, otherwise known as 1cSpace27. To see the reflection in all 3 dimensions for both the outer cube (ccSpace216) and the inner individual cubes (1cSpace27) see the post on BeShalach
for 3 twos 3 times.
3s, and 9s – 9s are always seen
as triple triads,
like 3 within 3
within 3 (see below). This is a characteristic of the Royal Seal. Three
3s is 3 + 3 + 3 = 9; and 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 (see the number 27
below). Each is a segment of ccSpace216. 9 is a 24th of 216, and 3 is
a 72nd of 216
(see these numbers below). There are 72 triplets of the Name (Triad
Havayah of 72), and there are 3 primary abbreviations of the Name (with 4 letters). The mathematic and geometric connection between the Explicit Name and its abbreviations is easy to see, with the proper eyeglasses. The Tri-Tetra-Grammaton (12 letter abbreviation) is also made up of 3 Names. The Triangle
(the base element of the Royal Seal) has 3
points and 3 sides. Properly written in two dimensions, there are 9 triplets of the Name
(written on 8 lines). In fractal geometry, the
Sierpinski Carpet starts with a square (which
has 9 elements), that is then cut into 9 congruent subsquares in a 3-by-3 grid and the central subsquare is removed. This
results in 8 primary squares (with the 1 central square created by default in the blank
space between the other 8 primary squares). This
process is repeated ad infinitum, like God Who is infinite. So
for example, in the second iteration of the Sierpinski Carpet, there are 9 squares in a 3-by-3 grid, but only 8
primary squares, like the 9 triplets of the Name written on 8 lines. In the third iteration of the Sierpinski
Carpet, there are eight 3-by-3 grids that create
9 secondary squares by default in the blank
space between the other primary squares.
3 within 3 within 3 – This is a
fractal set, and can be seen in the second iteration of the Sierpinski Gasket
in the VaEra post. The Tri-Tetra-Grammaton
has 3 Names with 4
letters for a total of 12 letters. These 12 have 12 polar
opposites and another third 12 for the balance. Thus the total amounts to 3 (Names with 4
letters) within 3 within 3.
4s, and 4 opposite 4 – There
are a total of 4 tablets (both sets of luchot). Also, the 3 primary abbreviations of the Name each have 4 letters, as do the 3
Names of the Tri-Tetra-Grammaton.
When the luchot are divided in the second dimension, they are divided into 4 quadrants, and correspond to each of the 4 letters of Ekeyeh. When the luchot are further
divided in the third dimension, they have 4
opposite 4 quadrants that correspond to the
other 2 primary abbreviations (Tetragrammaton
and Havayah of Adnoot) that each have 4
letters. The tetrahedron (one of the internal constructs within the cube of
creation) has 4 points and 4 faces. The octahedron is the "hidden component" within the Royal Seal (star tetrahedron) as it is the one geometric completely inside the star and invisible from the outside. It has 4 faces on one, opposite 4 faces on the other, which is like the 4 letters of the Tetragrammaton opposite the 4 letters of Adnoot. As the marriage of the letters is hidden, so is the associated geometry within the Royal Seal. A square (the two-dimensional equivalent of a cube, and specifically 'the Cube') has 4 sides and 4
corners. In fractal geometry, 4 within 4 within 4 within 4 can be seen in the third iteration
of the Sierpinski Carpet starting with the central secondary square and expanding outwards. 4 is also a 54th of 216 or 4cSpace54 in terms of its portion as it relates to the cube of creation (see next number).
– The word, “always” (תָּמִיד) is gematria 454, and this
one-dimensional numeric string corresponds to 4
x 54 = 216. It
is the reflection of 4cSpace54 (the luchot divided in the second dimension), which
corresponds to the 4 letters of Ekeyeh. “Ekeyeh
Asher Ekeyeh” (see Shemoth) stands for: “I
Was, Am, and Will Be,”1 thus
this Name is “always”, and so the word for “always/constantly/continually”
is תָּמִיד, which is gematria 454 or 4
x 54 = 216, the
division of the luchot in the second dimension into 4
quadrants with 54 elements, which correspond to
the 4 letters of Ekeyeh. It's rather interesting that the word for "always/constantly/continually" cannot truly fulfill its definition, without being eternal. There is only One who is eternal, and that is the Blessed Holy One whose Explicit Name has 216 letters. These 216 letters are the mathematic basis of eternity, which is why the Hebrew word associated with eternity has a gematria alluding to those 216 letters.
474 – This one-dimensional numeric string corresponds to
all 3 primary abbreviations; see the post on VaYishlach on the Sapphire Magen David blog for
the explanation. This number also contains other secrets, but for now, the
meaning shown in VaYishlach will suffice.
404 – This one-dimensional numeric string corresponds to
4 0pposite 4, which is the number of quadrants within 8cSpace27, created when ccSpace216 is divided in
all 3 dimensions (see the 8 Dimensions on the
Sapphire Magen David blog).
4 with 1 different – This sequence corresponds to the
marriage of the abbreviations of the Name, where, of the 4 letters, 1 letter is different
than the other 3. The post on Ki Thetze on the Sapphire Magen David blog explains how and why. 4 with 1 different also corresponds to the points of a
tetrahedron, where 1 point is above the other 3 in the third dimension. See the 8 Dimensions on the Sapphire Magen David blog for
other examples in physics and quantum mechanics, where there are 4 with 1 different.
See the post on VaYechi for examples in
history. The first iteration of the Sierpinski Gasket has 3 primary triangles that by default of the blank space between them, create a 4th triangle (or 1 different) (see the post on VaEra).
5s, 5
opposite 5, and 5
with 1 different – Both internal and external
constructs within the combined cubic form of the luchot are 5 (with 5 polar opposites). Also, each set of 5 has 1 different. The
tetrahedron is the 1 internal mathematic construct that is different (it is its own polar opposite) and each 5th commandment on each tablet is different than the rest (see the post on Yitro for an explanation). 5 is half of 10, and corresponds to the 5
that failed and the 5 that rectified; with the
division of the luchot into 2 tablets, the 5 external constructs on each tablet also can contain
the polar opposite nature of positive/negative. The icosahedron (one of the 5 internal constructs within the cube of creation) has
5 triangular faces meeting at each vertex. The
octahedron (another of the 5 internal constructs
within the cube of creation) is created when two opposing pyramids (with 5 corners and 5 faces)
combine. The corners and faces of a pyramid are also 5
with 1 different: A pyramid has 4 points and then 1
point above in the third dimension (so it has 5 (points)
with 1 different, like the external constructs
in the cube of creation). The faces of a pyramid are also 4 in the third dimension and 1
below (the bottom) in the second dimension (or again 5
(faces) with 1 different, like the internal
constructs within the cube of creation). The two polar opposite pyramids combine to form an octahedron, which as seen above is hidden within the Royal Seal (star tetrahedron). Hence within the Royal Seal is the reflection of the 5
(with 1 different) opposite 5 (with 1 different) (the
points and faces of the opposing pyramids) that reflect the 5 (with 1 different)
opposite 5 (with 1
different) of both internal and external constructs within the Cube of
Creation. When we speak of the geometry of God's Explicit Name and its abbreviations, this is what we mean.
Even though there are 4 quadrants in 4cSpace54, there are 5 aspects: the 4 quadrants
equate to 1 abbreviation (Ekeyeh) that again reflects the nature of the cube of creation with 5 where 1 is different. 216 divides into whole numbers from 1 to 6 (the dimensions
of the luchot), except for the number 5, which
is a fraction: 216 / 5
= 43.2, or a 10th of 2 x 216 (see the Mishpatim post for the luchot’s and Signature’s
relationship of 5 to 6).
Thus, 216 divides into whole numbers from 1 to 6 only 5 times.
6s, two
6s, Three 6s
– The luchot were 6 handbreadths cubed, so 6 is the 1D dimensions of the luchot, two 6s or 6 x 6 is the 2D dimensions of the luchot, and three 6s or 6 x 6 x 6 is the 3 dimensional
spatial dimensions of the luchot. 6 is a 36th of 216,
and if you take that equation, which represents the elements in the luchot
depicted side by side in all 3 dimensions (each
tablet is 6 x 6
(36) and is also 3
handbreadths deep), then you have 6 x 36 = 216. Notice
that all 3 numbers in the ones column are the
number 6. And so the equation
6 x 36 = 216, also hides the exact outer dimensions of the luchot: 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 cubic handbreadths. There were 6 days of creation, and its iterations include 6 + 6 = 12 (see the 12s below), and three 6s or 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 (see the number 18 below). A tetrahedron (one of the internal constructs within the cube of creation) has 6 edges. A cube (another of the internal constructs within the cube of creation) has 6 faces. Its polar opposite is the octahedron (yet another of the internal constructs within the cube of creation) which has 6 points. (As mentioned above, it is the hidden component within the star tetrahedron which is 4 opposite 4. Take time to understand the geometry as it applies to God's Name.)
6 x 36 = 216, also hides the exact outer dimensions of the luchot: 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 cubic handbreadths. There were 6 days of creation, and its iterations include 6 + 6 = 12 (see the 12s below), and three 6s or 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 (see the number 18 below). A tetrahedron (one of the internal constructs within the cube of creation) has 6 edges. A cube (another of the internal constructs within the cube of creation) has 6 faces. Its polar opposite is the octahedron (yet another of the internal constructs within the cube of creation) which has 6 points. (As mentioned above, it is the hidden component within the star tetrahedron which is 4 opposite 4. Take time to understand the geometry as it applies to God's Name.)
Four 6s – Three 6s
or 6 x 6 x 6 = 216, represents
the 3 dimensions of Space (contained in ccSpace216). The fourth
dimension of Time is represented by the 4th 6: 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 1,296. This is also seen in the 6,(000)
years of human history. Just like the abbreviations of the Name, there are 3 dimensions of Space (6
x 6 x 6) and 1 different: the fourth
dimension of Time (6 x 6
x 6 x 6). So 216 x 6 = 1,296, corresponding to
Time. This one-dimensional numeric string corresponds to 1 + 2 + 9 + 6 = 18, the gematria of “life” (see below), for life is measured in
Time. 1 x 2 x 9 x 6 = 108, which is of course half of 216, for life is only
half the equation (the other half is the Afterlife). Also of note, is that remember that each of the quadrants in 8cSpace27 itself divides into 216 elements. Each quadrant then has dimensions of 6 x 6 x 6, and so the mini-matrix of 1cSpace27 also has 216 elements. Notice that 6cSpace27, which is 6 of the quadrants in 8cSpace27, has a total of 1,296 elements.
7s and 8s of calendar related halachah
7s and 49s – Regular calendar related halachah is in cycles
of 7, like 7
days of the week, 7 x 7
days, 7 years, 7
x 7 years, and so the simplest mathematic way
of representing calendar related halachah is with the number 7. Two 7s or 7 x 7 = 49, is also
calendar related halachah, and so 49 is also
another level in calendar related halachah.
8s and 50s – Transcendent
halachah; this level takes you above and beyond, it is a higher level, and so
beyond the 7 days of the week is 8, the start of the next level. 7 x 7 = 49, so the next level of this level of calendar
related halachah is 50, which also signifies a
transcendent level. 50
is the Jubilee, there are 50 levels of
understanding, 50
levels of purity opposite 50 levels of impurity, reflecting the 5
opposite 5 nature of the internal constructs within the combined cubic form of the luchot or "cube of creation" (times the 10 external constructs).
Other 7s and 8s
7 opposite 7 – There are 7
elements in a triangle (3 edges, 1 face, and 3 points),
and thus when a triangle merges with its polar opposite (another 7) they combine to form a magen david, the 2D shadow
of a star tetrahedron (the Royal Seal).
Three 7s – Three 7s can mean two things. Three 7s is the number of elements in a tetrahedral matrix of 7 (that populates 1 face of a tetrahedron). It has 28 elements. Examples of the entire tetrahedron and
indeed its polar opposite (the entire Royal Seal) can be seen in the post on Miketz. Three 7s is also 7 x 7 x 7 which equals 343, the gematria of “And God said”, and
comprise the “sustaining utterance” that at any moment in time results in the
ongoing process of creation as when God spoke the world into existence. A
matrix of 7 with 343
elements, contain 216 points of intersection (the quintessential "point" between the 343 letters). See the post on BeHar & BeChukothai on the Sapphire Magen
David blog for a model and details. Incidentally, each "point" within the matrix is surrounded by 4 opposite 4 elements, so the total number of hidden "points" (216) and the nature of each point (4 opposite 4) correlate directly with the Explicit Name and its abbreviations. Contemplate this. Then contemplate it again.
8s – There are 888 iterations of 7
x 7 x 7
letters (see above) in the Torah, with a remainder of 216.
The number 8 also corresponds to the 8 "dimensions" of the Signature (written on 8 lines as 9 triplets). We see the equivalent in the Royal Seal (star tetrahedron) with its 9 triangular corners on 8 large faces. The geometry originates with the Name, but flows from the Name to the blueprint (cube of creation / ccSpace216) where we see it in the form of 8 quadrants, each with 3 x 3 (9) x 3 elements. Each of these (individual) aspects is a reflection of a specific part of God's Name, or one or more of its abbreviations. An octahedron (one of the internal constructs within the
cube of creation) has 8 faces. The cube (the
polar opposite of the octahedron and another of the internal constructs within
the cube of creation) has 8 points. There are 8 primary squares in the second iteration of the
Sierpinski Carpet. In other words, again, these aspects of "the cube," flow from (in this case) any one "dimension" of the 216 letters in the Name. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can exist without those letters.
10 – There are 10 commandments, 10
internal constructs within the combined cubic form of the luchot, 10 utterances that brought the universe into
existence, 10 sefirot, 10 generations from Adam to Noah, and another 10 from Noah to Avraham (see the post on Sh’lach on the Sapphire Magen David blog for many 10s.) There are 10
numbers (0 through 9)
that make up the base-10 decimal numeral
system. 10 is the number most often multiplied
by any other for other compound reflections; e.g. 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 100, 300, 400, 500, 600, 1,000 and so on.
12s, 12 opposite 12 –
There are 12 letters in the Tri-Tetra-Grammaton,
and they have 12 polar opposites, and so can
be represented as 12 opposite 12. There were 12
stones erected on each bank of the Jordan ; there were 12 pillars set up opposite each of the 12 tribes; there were 12
stones on the Breastplate of the High Priest opposite the 12 names of the Tribes on the High Priest's shoulder stones. 12
is an eighteenth of 216,
and there were many nations that had 12
tribes. There are 12 hours of day opposite 12 hours of night. When 2 tetrahedrons are merged together
to form a star tetrahedron, there are 12 small
faces on each of the opposing tetrahedrons (12 opposite 12). The cube (one of the internal
constructs within the cube of creation) has 12
edges, as does its polar opposite the octahedron (another of the internal
constructs within the cube of creation). The icosahedron (yet another of the
internal constructs within the cube of creation) has 12
points. The dodecahedron (the last of the internal constructs within the cube
of creation and the polar opposite of the icosahedron) has 12 faces. Again, every aspect of the cube of creation originates with various aspects of the 216 letters that define it (i.e. the combined cubic form of the luchot).
14 opposite 14 – There are 14
elements in a tetrahedron (6 edges, 4 faces, and 4
points), one of the internal constructs within the combined cubic form of the
luchot. The tetrahedron is its own polar opposite, and so when a tetrahedron
(with 14 elements) merges with its polar
opposite (another tetrahedron with another 14
elements), they combine to form a star tetrahedron, the Royal Seal, where the number of elements (in the now subdivided tetrahedron) becomes 70 (see 70 below).
15 – Half of 30 (see below) and the gematria of the Havayah of Yud Heh.
The festivals are usually on the 15th of the month, which is the next day, or one day after/beyond the 7 + 7 days (14), like Pesach, Tu B’Av, Succot, Tu B’Sh’vat, and
Purim. There are 21,600
minutes in 15 days. This one-dimensional
numeric string corresponds to the reflection of 5
with 1 different (the internal and external
constructs within the cube of creation) and 1 + 5 = 6, the
dimensions of the luchot. This also reflects the Signature divided from 1 to 6, of which only 5 are whole numbers; 1
(the number 5) is a fraction.
16 – There are 16 faces and 16
points in the 4 smaller tetrahedrons created
when 2 tetrahedrons merge to form a star
tetrahedron. Half of 16
is 8 (see 8s
above), and 16
is two thirds of the numeric string of 216, the number of letters in God’s Explicit Name, and
the same number of handbreadths in the combined cubic form of the luchot.
17 – There were 17 elements in each half
of the luchot before they were divided. This one-dimensional numeric string also
hints to the fact that once they were divided, they would contain (1 + 7 = ) 8 quadrants in ccSpace216.
17 is also the Mispar Katan of 170, the total
number of elements in all 5 internal constructs
in the cube of creation (14 + 26 + 26 + 52 + 52).
18 – The gematria of “life”
(חַי), and a twelfth of 216. Also half of 36, and 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. This one-dimensional numeric string corresponds to 1 + 8,
or the total elements in the second iteration of the Sierpinski Carpet, where 1
square is removed from the center, which leaves 8
21 – The gematria of Ekeyeh,
and the number is factored by three 7s. The one-dimensional numeric string flows from the 2 tablets that were originally 1 (before division into the male and female halves of the) cosmic blueprint. We see the same primal characteristics in the 1
Torah that is 2: the Written and Oral Torah. All of these (the cube, the halves and the Torah) originate from the 1 Name abbreviated as Ekeyeh itself, that divides
into 2 more Names (the Tetragrammaton and the
Havayah of Adnoot). 2 + 1 = 3, the total number of primary
abbreviations, of which 21 is the gematria of the first (Ekeyeh). 21 is also the first numbers in the numeric string
216, the
Signature of the Architect.
22 – The number of (primary)
letters that flowed from the cosmic blueprint, and which are the buildings
blocks of the universe. 22 is a one-dimensional integer expression alluding to the 2 and 2
luchot (both sets), and the number of quadrants
in the luchot when divided in the second dimension
(that corresponds to the 4 letters of Ekeyeh).
24 – 12 with their polar opposites together are 24. There are 24 Priestly Gifts, and there are 24 small faces
on a star tetrahedron. This one-dimensional numeric string also corresponds to
(2 + 4 =
) 6, the measure of each dimension of the luchot, and (2 x 4 = ) 8, the number of quadrants in 8cSpace27. Everything is intricately interconnected, but the connection between one thing and another, is always defined by the 216 letters that in turn define the parameters of the cube. Were the cube defined by any other number (of letters) then all of the connections would dissolve. They would cease to exist. Understand this well. Then consider 26, which is the gematria of the Tetragrammaton.
26 – The gematria of the
Tetragrammaton, one of the primary abbreviations of the Name. 26 divided by 2 is
13, the gematria of “One” (אֶחָד), which signifies the Ultimate One, Who divided the letters of His Name into 2 (male and female) to create a universe in like form. Just like the first [one] primary abbreviation
of the Name split into 2 (see 21 above), the 1 Sapphire
Block also split into 2 luchot that parallel the division of the Name and corresponding division of its abbreviations, the second of which
is the Tetragrammaton. Thus when one (13) abbreviation became 2,
the Tetragrammaton which is the second primary
abbreviation of the Name is gematria 13 (1) x 2 = 26. 26 is also
a one-dimensional numeric string that corresponds to the 2 luchot which had dimensions of 6 (handbreadths cubed). There are coincidentally 26 elements in the Cube of Creation (in the number of lines, points and faces) and even once
it is divided in half, each half still has 26 elements. 2 + 6 = 8, or the 8
quadrants of 8cSpace27, half
of which correspond to the 4 letters of the
Tetragrammaton (and so 6 - 2 = 4). The octahedron (one of the internal constructs
within the cube of creation that has 4 faces opposite 4 faces) also has 26 elements
(12 edges, 8
faces, and 6 points). The 26 elements of a cube by the way are its 12 edges, 6 faces,
and 8 points.
27 – The number of
elements in 1 quadrant of 8cSpace27 is 27, or the reflection of 1cSpace27, and 27 is
an eighth of 216
(see the 8 Dimensions on the Sapphire Magen
David blog). 27 is a one-dimensional numeric
string that is 2 + 7
= 9, the number of 2D dimensions in 1cSpace27, and the number of secondary squares created by
default in the blank space between the other primary squares in the third
iteration of the Sierpinski Carpet.
28 – The total elements in a
star tetrahedron, the Royal Seal, is (14 + 14 = ) 28. This
one-dimensional numeric string also corresponds to the 8
quadrants of 8cSpace27, when the 2
luchot are divided in all three dimensions. 2 +
8 = 10, and
see the many meanings of 10 above. 8 - 2 = 6, the dimensions of the luchot.
– The number 30 is formed by the 10 commandments plus 10 utterances plus 10
sefirot. It is also 10 times the triplet. An icosahedron (one of the internal
constructs within the cube of creation) and its polar opposite the dodecahedron
(another of the internal constructs within the cube of creation) each have 30 edges.
32 – There are 32 elements (16 faces plus 16 points) in the 4 smaller
tetrahedrons created when 2 tetrahedrons merge
to form a star tetrahedron (the Royal Seal). This is hinted to in the Signature (216), for the one-dimensional numeric string 216 is two 16s, or 2 x 16 = 32. This
one-dimensional numeric string also corresponds to 3
twos (see above); 3 + 2 = 5 (see 5s above); and 3 x 2 = 6, the dimensions
of the luchot (6 handbreadths cubed).
36 – 36 is a 6th of 216, and is the number of elements in any layer of 6cSpace36. When the luchot are divided and
depicted side by side, each tablet has 2D dimensions of 6 x 6, or 36.
The one-dimensional numeric string corresponds to three
6s, or the 3D dimensions of the luchot: 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 cubic
handbreadths. Also 3 x 6
= 18, and as seen above, 18 is the gematria of “life”. There are 36 hidden righteous individuals in every
generation through which Life (3 x 6) is
40 – 4 times 10 (see above for the 4s and 10s). The four 10s are the 10
external constructs plus the 10 internal
constructs plus the 10 utterances plus the 10 sefirot. There are 40 triangles in the third iteration of the Sierpinski Gasket. There were 40 years of Wandering in the Wilderness; 40 days
and 40 nights of rain during the Deluge; and
Moshe went up for 40 days and nights to receive
the luchot, both times. See other 40s in the
post on Shemoth.
70 opposite 70 – There are 70
elements in a tetrahedron once it has been sub-divided by its polar opposite (as depicted in the post on VaYelekh and HaAzinu). When 2 tetrahedrons merge (70 opposite 70) they
combine to form a star tetrahedron, the Royal Seal. There are other reflections
in the number 70, but for now, it is sufficient to understand that before marriage, the tetrahedrons are 14 opposite 14, and after unification they are 70 opposite 70.
72 – The Havayah of Ayin-Bet is gematria 72, but the element that we
focus on in this blog is that 72 is a third of the Name with 216
letters. When the luchot are depicted side by side, in 2
dimensions each tablet is 6 x 6 or 36, and the 2 tablets together thus have dimensions of (36 + 36 = ) 72. In 3 dimensions,
there are another two 72s behind that, and so
there are really another 3 handbreadths in
depth, and thus the Triad Havayah of 72 is realized. So 72
is a third of the Name (216),
but also the two-dimensional measurement of the luchot in side-by-side form.
108 – The Sapphire block
with total dimensions of 216 handbreadths
was divided in 2, thus each tablet, half of 216, had 108 cubic handbreadths and 2cSpace108 was formed.
The word, “half” (חַצִי)
is gematria 108. This one-dimensional numeric
string is 10 - 8
= 2, the 2
tablets that were each half, and 108 cubic handbreadths. It is also 10 + 8 = 18, as well as the Mispar Katan of 108 is 18, the
gematria of “life”, for the luchot’s
division in half (108)
followed the primary abbreviation’s split into 2,
which created the primary division into polar opposites which would be able to
sustain a universe in like form, making life
248 – The progression of the division of the luchot,
in 1 dimension (2 quadrants of 2cSpace108), 2 dimensions (4
quadrants of 4cSpace54), and 3 dimensions (8
quadrants of 8cSpace27). There are 248 positive commandments and 248 limbs in the body.
360 – 360 is the number of degrees in a circle and the number of days in the solar
year from the time of Moshe until the Great Cataclysm in the days of Uzziah. It
is 36 x 10,
or a 6th of 216
times 10 (see above for the meaning of 36 and 10). This
one-dimensional numeric string can also correspond to 360 or three 60s (see next number) which are the degrees on each angle of an equilateral triangle, or any given face of the Royal Seal.
Three 60s – The dodecahedron and the icosahedron
are polar opposites and are each internal constructs within the cube of
creation. The dodecahedron has 12 pentagonal faces, and so 12
x 5 = 60. The icosahedron has 20
triangular faces and so 20
x 3 = 60. Both the dodecahedron and the icosahedron have 30 edges each, and so 30 + 30 = 60. These three 60s correspond to the outer dimensions of the luchot: 6 x 6 x 6 = 216, though times 10. 60 x 60 x 60 were the dimensions of the Holy of Holies, with a total volumetric measure of 216,000,
the number of feet a man can walk in a day (and the Signature
times 1,000). Three 60s or 360 is also 60 + 60 + 60 = 180, 36 less than 216.
Other Multiples of 216
216 x 1 = 216 (The number of letter's in God's Explicit Name and the number of handbreadths in the combined cubic form of the luchot, and so the number of elements in ccSpace216. It is also the number of elements in the mini-matrix of 1csubSpace216.)
216 x 2 = 432 (The number of elements in the mini-matrix 2csubSpace216. The 2 quadrants that are different from the others in 8cSpace27 (for they mirror the letters of the abbreviations of the Name) contain 432 elements in 2csubSpace216. There are 432 drams in a hin and
432 eggs in an ephah. This one-dimensional numeric string is 4 + 3 + 2 = 9 and also 4 x 3 x 2 = 24. 9 x 24 = 216.)
216 x 3 = 648 (The number of elements in the mini-matrix 3csubSpace216. This one-dimensional numeric string alludes to the 6 handbreadths of the luchot, that are
divided into 4 and 8 quadrants, where the 4 and 8 correspond to the ratio between the number of letters in the 3 primary abbreviations
of the Name. The third iteration of the Sierpinski Carpet also has 64 primary squares that create 8 secondary squares (not counting the much larger one in the center).)
216 x 4 = 864 (The number of elements in the mini-matrix 4csubSpace216; ergo the number of elements in ccsubSpace216 in half the cube (1 tablet). The luchot are divided in 2, and if you add 2 to 2 you get 4, add another 2 you get 6, add another 2 you get 8, or together 864, the number of elements in 4csubSpace216 (half of 2 tablets). This is a different permutation of the numbers above. Notice
these 2 products (648 & 864) are the result of the Signature multiplied by
3 and 4, like the 3 primary abbreviations that each have 4 letters.)
216 x 5 = 1080 (The number of elements in the mini-matrix 5csubSpace216. 5 is half of 10, and so 108 (which is half of 216) x 10 = 1080.)
216 x 6 = 1,296 (The number of elements in the mini-matrix 6csubSpace216. See above in four
6s for the explanation of 1,296. Also, 1,296 is the number of elements in 6csubSpace216, which is 6/8ths of the cube. There are 2 quadrants left, and they correspond to the quadrants (/letters) that are different. As seen in Part II of the Essential Construct 8 Dimensions on the Sapphire Magen David blog, in the dimensions of Space/Time, the dimension of Time is the 1 different, and so corresponds to the quadrants that are different. It is interesting to note, that the fourth 6, signifying Time, comes to a total of 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 1,296, which is actually the number of elements that populates 6csubSpace216 which corresponds to the 3 dimensions of Space. They leave over the 2 quadrants that are different which correspond to Time that is different (and the letters of the abbreviations of the Name that are different).)
216 x 13 = 2,808 (In Mispar Katan
is 288, and
this one-dimensional numeric string is 28 eight times, or the Royal Seal (the star tetrahedron
with 28 elements) 8
times, like the 8 quadrants of 8cSpace27. As the star tetrahedron (the Royal Seal with 28 elements) is one of the internal constructs within the combined cubic form of the luchot which has 216 handbreadths, and each of the 8 quadrants of 8cSpace27 itself subdivides into 216 elements (to form 8csubSpace216), this reflection corresponds to the Royal Seal (with 28 elements in male/female form) within each of the 8 quadrants of 8csubSpace216.)
216 x 14 = 3,024 (In Mispar Katan
is 324, and
this one-dimensional numeric string is 3 x 24 = 72, a third of the Signature. It also corresponds to the 3 primary abbreviations of the Name that each have 4 letters, to which the division of the 2 luchot (into 8cSpace27) corresponds.)
216 x 15 = 3,240; (In Mispar
Katan is also 324,
thus also 3 x 24 = 72, a third of
the Signature. If we take both numbers 3,024 and 3,240, these one-dimensional numeric strings are 30 x 24 = 720 and 32 x 40 = 1,280. Combined they are (720 + 1,280 = ) 2,000, a primary segment of the 6,000 years of history.)
216 x 16 = 3,456 (A nice
number progression, but also the 3 4-letter abbreviations, and the relationship of 5 to 6 in the luchot and Signature; and 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18, the gematria of “life”.)
216 x 17 = 3,672 (This
one-dimensional numeric string corresponds to 36
(a 6th of the Name) and 72 (a third of the
Name). Also 3 + 6 +
7 + 2 = 18, again the gematria of “life”.)
216 x 18 = 3,888 (The
Signature (216) multiplied by the gematria of “life”
(18) = 3888, and this one-dimensional numeric string
alludes to the 888 matrices of 3 sevens (7 x 7 x 7) or the number of letters in the Written Torah, leaving a remainder of 216 (letters) which is the number of letters in God's Name. It also has 3 places as does 888, which reflect the triad nature of the Name. The 888
matrices in 3 (sevens,
with a remainder of 216) are the total number of
letters in the Written Torah, which is the written reflection of the cosmic
blueprint, from which Life (18) is possible.)
216 x 19 = 4,104 (This one-dimensional numeric string
is suggestive of the 4 opposite 4 and the 10 internal
constructs, all internal elements within the cube of creation.)
216 x 10 = 2,160 (The amount of time in years allotted to each of
the 12 constellations in the progression of the equinoxes.)
216 x 100 = 21,600 (The number of arc-minutes in the
measurement of the Earth’s surface, and the Earth’s equatorial circumference
when it orbited the sun every 360 days.)
216 x 216 = 46,656 (The number of letters in the Name squared, result in a one-dimensional numeric string with three 6s: 6 x 6 x 6 (the dimensions of the luchot); the 5 internal and external constructs and their polar
opposites; and all of the 4-letter abbreviations. One particular method of summing this string is 46 + 6 + 56 = 108,
half of 216; 4 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 27, the number
of elements in 1cSpace27; the multiplicative of each of the integers is 4 x 6 x 6 x 5 x 6 = 4,320 or 20 times 216. Also, as seen in the post on Terumah, there are 6 small-finger-breadths in 1 handbreadth. Therefore, if the dimensions of the cube of creation is 6 handbreadths x 6 handbreadths x 6 handbreadths = 216 handbreadths, then the dimensions in small-finger-breadths is (6 small-finger-breadths x 6 handbreadths = ) 36 small-finger-breadths x 36 small-finger-breadths x 36 small-finger-breadths = 46,656 (216 x 216) small-finger-breadths of the combined cubic form of the luchot, and the same number of letters in God's Explicit Name squared.)
Footnote 1 – (As seen in
Midrash Otiyot d’Rabbi Akiva.)
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