
The "72 Reflections" is an extension of the Sapphire Magen David and an understanding of its contents is therefore dependent on that site. This is especially true insofar as the “essential constructs” are concerned. 

The purpose of this blog is to provide additional insight, and so you should plan on reading the post on the other blog before reading the corresponding post here. The authors of this blog will be less likely to clarify or repeat basic concepts, and it will be assumed the reader is completely familiar with the constructs and the preliminary information previously mentioned.

In order to get the most from this site, you will need (at a minimum) a working knowledge of the mathematic and geometric properties of the luchot; the internal geometry of its combined cubic form; and more specifically the magen david in both two and three dimensions; the One Explicit Name also known as the Triad Havaya of 72 and; its abbreviated forms like the  "Tri-Tetra-Grammaton" or 12-letter ("explicit" abbreviated) Name; the 4 letter ("explicit" abbreviated) Name; and their counterparts like the Havaya of Adnoot; as well as their "combined forms," like the Havaya of Ekeyeh. The Sapphire Magen David blog provides this information. You may wish to re-read the posts on Ki Thetze and Ki Thavo to assess your understanding of these concepts.

This blog is specifically for those who already possess an understanding of the above, but want to further their awareness of the mathematic connection between the Torah and the Signature of the Architect. To that end, the posts will focus primarily on numbers, sets of numbers and ratios that pertain to patterns of spaces, letters, words, sentences or unusual aspects in the layout of a kosher scroll. 

The fundamental assumption is that at some level, the Torah is the Divine Cosmic Blueprint of Creation; that it defines every aspect of the universe; and that the Signature of its Architect is hidden throughout the text and the events it describes (as demonstrated in the various posts on the Sapphire Magen David). 

What this means is that we should expect to find mathematic and geometric allusions to God’s Name, not only in the Torah, but in everything from quarks to quasars; from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy; as well as every aspect of the universe. This “cosmic blueprint” was entrusted to the Jewish people, but it is their responsibility to be a light to the world. Hopefully, this blog will help fulfill that admonition to some small degree. However, examining the Torah in these terms is complex and time consuming. At first glance the text might appear to be just so many words and phrases, but nothing could be further from the truth. The permutations and combinations of its letters contain a multitude of secrets. One only needs the proper tools to decipher these gems. 

Computers (as an example) work with ones and zeros. Computer text is represented by a series of hexidecimal strings. When we look at the source code for any given program, it looks meaningless. However, if you know how to read that code, then you can understand its set of instructions. The cosmic blueprint is much the same. It has layer upon layer of hidden meaning, within just a relatively few lines of text. Using only 22 basic symbols (letters) this “blueprint” contains the source code for the entire universe; the instructions for sustaining it; and those for perpetuating what is an active and ongoing process. 

On a simple level, the letters form words and sentences that are strung together to form a narrative, but embedded beneath the surface are strings of what might be called “program code,” and a great deal more. The sages of Israel employed methods for understanding this sort of thing and they could see the Signature of its Architect embedded in the text. That is largely what this blog is about.

In the meantime, it bears repeating that the Signature is so deeply embedded in the text (in its mathematic and geometric properties) that we can only hope to scratch the surface. Still, we should not be discouraged. He has given us the ability to see; to get a glimpse of these things and perceive the magnitude of its inner workings. We may never be able to see the entire picture, but what we’ve seen so far is remarkable. This blog is dedicated to the task of furthering this objective.

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